a little life & a little music 小聊人生與音樂,與你們共享觀點

a little life & a little music 小聊人生與音樂,與你們共享觀點



在這個世界上,凡事都有可能。 Everything is possible in the world. この世の中、全ては可能です! OMG,2024就這樣剩下兩個月,你們過的好嗎? 敬請期待還有新的企劃單集繼續和大家見面喔~ 我的腦袋每次都快要飛到外太空了,嘻嘻😎🤩 OMG. There are only 2 months left in 2024.How are you doing? Please look forward to seeing you in the new planned episode~ My head almost flies to outer space every time, hehe😎🤩 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 敝人在下我的童年和青少年時期與音樂的故事: 小學四年級考進學校的節奏樂隊班卻因為轉學而沒有機會繼續待在音樂班, 與音樂擦身而過 小學五六年級待在合唱團想繼續與音樂同在,國中因繼續參加學校的合唱團並參加校際性比賽,於一百多人的音樂才女當中被指導老師指定成為指揮候選人卻單單因為想要把機會讓給很想要擁有這個機會的一位同學而主動放棄這個機會 再次與音樂擦身而過 高中參加學校的管樂社,花大量時間練習管樂器,高二因為班級導師告知學校以升學為導向,而被迫放棄繼續留在管樂社 再次與音樂擦身而過 高二以後最喜歡一個人到誠品書店試聽國外冷門的各式音樂,也喜歡到唱片行去試聽時下的華語和西洋的流行音樂,一次可以站在試聽機前試聽一下午甚至超過三小時都不會覺得累 大學因為開始跳街舞而開始接觸嘻哈音樂, 於日本留學期間花許多時間在樂團練習並開始玩許多不同的樂器,live演出是每週的必須,並於東京購入當時人生的第一把電吉他,即使很重,也會堅持用自己的,而不用其他人的, 另外同時在合唱團因為韓國的指揮老師常常給予solo的機會而開始勇敢嘗試,不再選擇繼續躲在角落觀察每一個人 有一段時間曾經因為想要釐清自己到底為何而唱歌,或者該為誰唱歌而不再開口 這些實戰經驗並沒有讓我對自己感到滿意或者驕傲,而是希望能夠接受更正統的訓練,所以在忙碌的職場生活之餘仍然繼續精進自己的音樂實力, 我不會再繼續與音樂擦身而過,因為它就在我的生活裡, 它一直都在我的選擇裡 我渴望能將流行音樂和獨立音樂甚至是配樂的好作品,有深度有廣度,用我的方式介紹給大家,不要有任何的遺珠之憾 在podcast節目以玩票性質開始創作自己的數位音樂作品以及翻唱作品 考大學時想要填哲學系被攔阻而走上商學院 唯一不變的是,在人生的路上會繼續朝自己想要做的事情而不斷任性下去 My story about music during my childhood and adolescence: In the fourth grade of elementary school, I was admitted to the school's rhythm band class, but because I transferred to another school, I had no chance to continue in the music class. Passed by music I stayed in the choir in the sixth grade of elementary school and wanted to continue to be with music. In junior high school, I continued to participate in the school choir and participated in inter-school competitions. I was a talented girl who was designated by the instructor as a conductor candidate among more than 100 musicals, but just because I wanted to Give the opportunity to another student who really want it and give up the opportunity proactively Passed by music again In high school, I joined the school's wind band club and spent a lot of time practicing wind instruments. In my second year of high school, my tutor told me that the school was oriented toward further studies, so I was forced to give up and continue to stay in the wind band club. Passed by music again After my second year in high school, I loved going to Eslite Bookstore to listen to all kinds of unpopular foreign music. I also liked to go to record stores to listen to current Chinese and Western pop music. I could stand in front of the listening machine and listen to it for an afternoon or even more than three hours at a time. will not feel tired I started to get into hip-hop music because I started dancing in college. While studying in Japan, I spent a lot of time practicing in a band and started playing many different instruments. Live performances were a must every week. I bought my first electric guitar in Tokyo at that time. Even if it was heavy, I would insist on using my own. , instead of using other people’s, At the same time, in the choir, because Korean conductors often gave solo opportunities, I began to bravely try, and no longer chose to hide in the corner and observe everyone. There was a time when I stopped speaking because I wanted to clarify why I sang or who I should sing for. These practical experiences did not make me feel satisfied or proud of myself, but I hoped to receive more orthodox training, so I continued to improve my musical skills in my busy working life. I will no longer pass music by, because it is in my life, It's always been my choice I am eager to introduce good works of pop music, independent music and even soundtracks in depth and breadth to everyone in my own way without any regrets. Started to create my own digital music works and cover works in a podcast program just for fun When I was admitted to college, I wanted to apply for a major in philosophy but was blocked, so I went to business school. The only thing that remains unchanged is that I will continue to be willful towards what I want to do on the road of life. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 📢🩵🫧📢🩵🫧📢🩵🫧📢🩵🫧📢🩵🫧😎🤩🎈🩶🤍🩷🩶🤍🩷🩶🤍🩷🩶🤍🩷🎈😎🤩✨✨🪐🪐🪐🤏☄️☄️☄️💭🗯️💬🗨️🌝🍵☕🫖✨🎤🎧📽️🎥🎬🎙️✨ ✨謝謝一直以來支持我的podcast頻道的收聽朋友們以及各式平台的協助。會繼續和你們分享好音樂、好文章、好思考、好感受。敬請期待喔。 Thank you to the listening friends who have always supported my podcast channel and the assistance from various platforms. I will continue to share good music, good articles, good thinking, and good feelings with you. Please look forward to it!✨ 🗯️💬📓🎧🎤🎹📷🎙️📻🎯🚁🌎✨😎🤪 *🗓️😎📋⏰不定期更新的公佈欄資訊 Bulletin board information updated from time to time:📌📝🛋️* *©[about my Instagram account]™ 關於圖片+文字紀錄與生活靈感創作分享 https://instagram.com/v9_k564?igshid=NTA5ZTk1NTc= *教育背景(依時間排序): 商學院-企業管理(台灣)/ 服裝設計-整體造型專攻(日本)/ 數位多媒體設計-數位音樂音效專攻(台灣) Education Background (chronological order): College of Business-Business Administration(Taiwan)/ Fashion Design-Stylist(Japan)/ Digital Multimedia Design-Audio/ Digital Music/Sound Effect(Taiwan) *DJ / 創作者 / 網路or Live歌手/ 時尚達人 /心靈導師 / 廣播節目與音樂製作人 / 評論家 ( 音樂,舞蹈,電視戲劇,電影,服裝,視覺藝術,文藝,時事 ) / 用各式podcast節目單集來陪伴你們繼續走下去的陪跑員 DJ, creator, network or Live singer, fashionist, spiritual mentor, radio show and music producer,Critic (music, dance, TV drama, film, costume, visual arts, literature and art, current affairs ) / Use various podcast episodes to be an accompanying runner to make you continue to walk. DJ、クリエーター、ネットワークまだはライブシンガー、ファッショニスタ、スピリチュアルメンター、ラジオ番組、音楽プロデューサー、評論家(音楽、ダンス、ドラマ、映画、衣装、美術、文学と芸術、時事)/ ポッドキャストのさまざまなエピソードを活用して、あなた達は歩き続ける伴走者になります

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